Babes Wodumo shared a cute video of her infant, Sponge Wodumo, attempting to speak with her followers. Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha have decided to reveal their child to the public. The couple shared a baby photo on Mampintsha’s Instagram page before posting the video on Babes’ Tik Tok account.
Sponge Wodumo is seen trying to speak in the video; fans assume those are some of his first words since he just turned one. Although the infant can still not articulate properly, the term “baba,” which means father, can be heard in the video. As a result, fans of the couple now know who the boy’s favourite parent is.
Sponge Wodumo was finally revealed in a baby face reveal by Mampintsha. As they celebrated his first birthday, they performed the face reveal on his Instagram page. Babes Wodumo and her husband have made sure not to post images of their son’s face on social media since his birth in 2021. After being very clear that they would never post his face on social media, they have now changed their minds.
They decided to withhold Sponge’s face out of respect for culture and safety. They acknowledged that if anything happened to their child, they would instead not look back and be sorry because terrible things were happening in the nation. Sponge won’t be harmed now. They are confident because they have exposed his face. Sponge was praised by fans, who described him as gorgeous. Some even claimed that his mother, Babes Wodumo, a stunning young woman, is unquestionably the source of his beauty.
Babes has been bullied for her weight loss. Her critics turned out in force to accuse her of drug abuse and illness, which they claimed caused her to lose this much weight, but she revealed it was all because of the pregnancy. Whenever she shares photos, she receives trolling, which constantly makes her feel self-conscious. Given the online bullying, Babes have experienced, the musicians are doing well as parents, and everything seems to be going well for them.
Babes responded to the trolls on Facebook by defending her weight and stating that she is not concerned with her appearance because several of her friends and family members have experienced a similar situation after giving birth. The singer seems to have fun spending time with Sponge while concentrating on being a mother.
Watch: Babes Wodumo with Sponge Wodumo below:
@babes__wodumo 🥺🥺🥺
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