Wadiwa Wepamoyo Episode 7
Previously on Wadiwa Wepamoyo Episode 6
Wadiwa Wepamoyo Episode 7 – Synopsis: Tendai Nokuthula’s ex boyfriend is back and he wants Noku back.
When things fall apart
When tragedy strikes in a relationship, the best friend of either party is the go to person. Tawanda being ghosted by Noku, her friend Chido was the obvious destination to get answers. Friends despite knowing the truth, they are always loyal to their own. Chido told Tawanda exactly what he wanted to hear despite Biko being skeptical about Chido’s explanations. Tawanda was convinced that everything was in control which was a total lie, his house was on fire.
There is always that Ex-lover
Tendai is that irresistible ex lover who shows up when things seems to be flowing in a right direction. You underestimate the power of that ex at your own peril. He proved to be Tawanda’s downfall despite the later playing his cards correctly. Changing of mood, sudden routine changes and switching off of a cellphone are signs of sudden return of that powerful ex-lover in any relationship.
Tendai comes from a rich family, driving in a blue sedan and showering Noku with presents, Tawanda don’t stand a chance. The history of these two comes long back, Tendai just disappeared without saying a word. Because Noku’s family relocated to another suburb the two got separated. Popping up again in Noku’s life is enough headache for Tawanda who was on the verge of receiving his fate.
Wadiwa Wepamoyo Noku’s makes a clear decision
It’s hard to ignore a rich man, Noku was destined to make an obvious choice which is choosing Tendai over Tawanda. Moreover who doesn’t want to take the mother’s seat in her boyfriend’s car?. Life is too short to be stuck in a boring relationship. The consequences of dating playboys is a headache for most teens. Noku having a choice to make, she opted to follow the flow and get along with both of them. Out of sympathy Noku started talking with Tawanda again, a worst place for any man in love to be.
Watch Wadiwa Wepamoyo Episode 7 Here