Whites in South Africa seem to have celebrated the death of Zindzi Mandela, the daughter of the late icons Nelson and Winnie Mandela. She passed on in Denmark on the 12th of July.
A white farmer named Rheeder John Vanas has shocked South Africans after he celebrated the death of Zindzi . Rheeder John Vanas commented on a Facebook post by local publication Citizen’s story about the death of the firebrand Mandela’s daughter.
Vanas commented on the post, “one down, a few more to go.”
Vanas is a known advocate of ‘Farmers Lives Matter’ and his Facebook profile picture suggests the same.

Read More: Zindzi Mandela’s powerful speeches that will move you
Vanas is also actively involved in the Stop Farm Attacks Campaign and actively comments and shares the Facebook page.
Other White people commented and seemed to be in agreement with death that it was time for Zindzi to go:
Some believe Zindzi was full of hate whilst others believe she stood up for African people’s rights especially about the land question.
Read More: Nelson Mandela lost 2 children Zindzi and Thembekile on the same day 13 July