Sdumo Mtshali is a South African actor who plays the role of Sbu in Isibaya. The character stole hearts with a whole in Isibaya with his star crossed, Romeo and Julie vibes, a love story with Thandeka Zungu. The death of Thandeka, played by Nomzamo Mbatha, was a cry fest that brought out the best of Sdumo Mtshali as an actor, and Sbu’s triangle with Siza and Mabuyi has since kept viewers glued on the show.
Sdumo Mtshali in real life
The actor began acting at a young age, mostly in theater. Sdumo made his way to prime time television when he won the first season of Class Act in 2010. From there it’s been uphill. The actor starred in Number Number which has to be one of his biggest roles to date. A stint on Rhythm City and Tempy Pushaz and here we are watching him break hearts as Sbu in Isibaya. The actor recently finished shooting Blood Psalms with Yellow Bone Entertainment, a film that is rich in history. Sdumo’s excitement about it is rubbing off on us. We can’t wait to watch.
One thing that makes Sdumo a lovable character in real life is his bromance with his co-star, Pallance Dladla. The pair is the best of friends and has been photographed together everywhere! You wouldn’t guess the two have a 9 year age gap.

Speaking of the Isibaya stars, Pallance and Sdumo Mtshali, the pair have a live podcast show known as Process Live. The Podcast gives a platform for conversations with members of the entertainment industry. The duo has hosted various individuals both local and international including, Phindile Gwala, Kagiso Lediga, Tasha Smith, Sidra Smith and Celeste Ntuli among others. They are quite the duo!
To answer your question about the Isibaya actor (we know you asked), Sdumo Mtshali is single. If he is in a relationship, the world hasn’t been informed and we will be sure to let you know once the cat is out of the bag!