Star actress Phindile Gwala recently penned a heartfelt birthday letter to her husband Armando Ngandu that impressed fans. The couple has been serving marriage goals and slowly becoming a power couple in South Africa that fans can look up to.
On Armando’s birthday, fans had high expectations for what Phindile would say and do, and she did not disappoint. She shared her birthday message to her husband on Instagram, writing:
“I wanted to get you something truly amazing and inspiring for your birthday, and then I remembered that you already have me🥰 Happy Birthday HusBae @armandouss. I love you so much ❤️”
Mzansi Reacts to Phindile Gwala’s Birthday Letter to Her Husband
After sharing such loving words with her husband, Phindile received praise from fans who were impressed by her letter. Many wished Armando a happy birthday and left interesting comments on her post.
“Isn’t your man from Africa… they be been reported. Why is he still here😅😅😅😅😅”
“Waze warojwa Umnuzane wekhaya emini kwa bha 😂😂. Happy birthday to him, and may he be blessed with more years”
“What more could he ask for vele😂happy birthday ku sbari🎁🎂🎉… Hope uyaz unenhlanhla engakanani🤞…”
“Happiest birthday to your Husbeee🙌🔥❤️❤️”
Phindile and Armando’s Romantic Moments
This birthday letter from Phindile Gwala to her husband is not the first time the couple has shown Mzansi how much they are in love. A few weeks ago, Phindile shared pictures of them embracing each other that went viral.
Many men may be crushing on Phindile Gwala, but her love for her husband surely puts an end to their hopes. The couple has also been going on vacations together and sharing beautiful pictures of their adventures.
Phindile and Armando continue to serve as an example of a loving and devoted couple, and fans can’t get enough of their romantic moments.