South Africans have started to panic buy groceries from shops they are fearing for the worst. With over 60 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Southern African country, citizens are fearing they are faced with a lock down.
Whats is a lock down?
A lock down is a situation where the government directs citizens to stay in doors to avoid contact with infected persons. A lock down may come as a strict directive monitored by security forces or a persuaded one, where people are persuaded to stay in doors by the government and other organisations for their own safety. Restaurants, night clubs, bars and other non essential shops will only sell to customers if they deliver door to door. Mass public transport such as buses and trains will be stopped, with only emergency taxis operating.
Is a lock down likely to happen?
It is highly unlikely that the government will impose a lock down as there are not many positive COVID-19 cases in South Africa. The government has already made other aggressive measures such as banning large gatherings with people over 100, closing schools, closing entry points in the country and other aggressive communication measures. The government will monitor the progress through the National Command Council which seats thrice a week to monitor the situation.
Is South Africa going to run out of food and basic essentials?
South Africa is an exporter of food and other consumables. It has enough to satisfy the local market. When the worst comes, companies will stop exporting as they will be having enough demand in the country.