Reports reaching is that a Chinese national has been taken to Nyaradzo funeral parlour but a drama unfolded as Nyaradzo officials refused to take the body. Journalist Mduduzi Mathuthu revealed that the people who brought the body did not have a police report.
Zimlive posted on Twitter, “These dramatic pictures sent by a reader allegedly show Chinese men outside Nyaradzo Funeral Services in Harare trying to deliver a dead body in a kombi. Man died at a house in Harare. Nyaradzo staff refused to receive body without police. Negotiations in progress.”
Funeral parlours are now skeptical of bodies that are brought by potential clients due to the outbreak of coronavirus. Only two people have been diagnosed with Coronavirus in Zimbabwe and there are chances that some undetected cases are resulting in undocumented deaths.
The case in question even became more skeptical since coronavirus was first recorded in China in late December 2019. There have been more infections in China than anywhere else.