Muvhango means conflict, and fans and social media users feel that this episode lived up to the concept sold to us at the beginning of the soapie.
The first concept was based on a conflict inside the Mukwevhos. Mashudui Mukwevho was a King in the village named Thate and had two wives. One was Masindi Mukwevho, who is Bafuwi Azwindini’s mother. The other wife was more modern and stayed in Johannesburg; Catherine Mukwevho. Catherine also gave birth to Edward Mukwevho by Mashudui. The conflict started when King Mashudu passed away and the wives fought over his body, and all hell broke loose.
Mashudu was in a polygamous marriage, and Azwindini grew up in that environment. His first love and wife is Susan. Susan was not accepted as a possible wife for the prince because she is not of royal blood. Azwindini fought to make her his wife finally.
Azwindini is a strong polygamist, and over the years, he has brought many brides into his home, much to Susan’s dismay.
Susan has threatened to leave the royal bed and did on several occasions.
Recently Azwindini was trapped under a fallen building with Gugu, and they slept together there. Since then, Azwindini has pursued Gugu for a relationship behind Susan’s back, but Gugu had started a relationship with the same Vhutshilo, Vhafuwhi’s son with Susan!

Gugu saw both, and Vhutshilo and Susan didn’t know.
Azwindini and Susan had planned a renewal of vows ceremony after their marriage suffered due to Azwindini’s indiscretions one more time. He suffered a stroke in bed while with one of his girls.
A few days before the renewal of the vows ceremony, Vhutshilo found out that his father was sleeping with his girlfriend, Gugu.
Vhutshilo blew a gasket and, during the ceremony, launched a gun and almost shot his father and Gugu.
There’s more; Azwindini had to choose between the two women. Guess what? He chooses Gugu!

That’s what sent the Twitter world to war. Some feel that Azwindini deserves to be punished for this, and some believe Susan deserves this pain for allowing her husband to do this continuously in their marriage.
He is now looking to divorce Susan! The Twitter streets are set alight, and they are split in half. Others day, but Suzie knew when she married Azwindini that he believes in polygamy, and others say she mustn’t tolerate his abuse.
What do you think Susan should do?
Watch how this exciting saga unfolds on SABC2 at 21h00.
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