Following a tweet criticizing companies for hiring celebrities like Minnie Dlamini and Anele Mdoda for sports presenting roles while omitting the illustrious Portia Modise, social media was splintered. People have voiced their opinions that legends like Portia Modise are unemployed while celebrities like Anele Mdoda and Minnie Dlamini host sports programs every second week.

One of the most well-known soccer players in Africa, Modise, recently shared details of her post-retirement plans. She claimed many doors had been slammed in her face because she is outspoken and vocal. The former Banyana Banyana star claimed that she had observed differences in how male and female footballers were treated. “I still maintain that female footballers are maltreated and paid less than men, and that’s a fact,” she said.

A famous user with the handle @ChrisExcel102 complained on Twitter that it seemed unfair that some celebrities were hired to present sports while legends like Portia Modise were not. He wrote on Twitter: “It doesn’t sit well with me that Portia Modise is unemployed while Anele Mdoda and Minnie Dlamini are working for Supersport telling us about sport.” People responded to the post by leaving conflicting comments. Some people supported the tweet, while others believed Modise should take action. Others think Chris was stirring up a fight for likes and didn’t mean anything when he said it.

South Africans responded to the tweet in various ways:
@REVELATION TNW tweeted, “They are supported by forces that we cannot comprehend. Poria should not give up.”
@dali Afrika suggested: ” Imagine if she teamed up with Junior Khanye and had Betway as a sponsor. Maybe she needs to do a MacG and start her uncensored soccer podcast. Sometimes, you should forge your own path if they don’t want you.”
“Playing soccer doesn’t automatically qualify one to be a sports presenter; does Portia Modise also have presenting skills?” asked @Butiki09722560.
@Milly tweeted, “Why couldn’t you fight for Portia without trying to take other people’s jobs? These two women worked hard to get where they are, and while it is unfair to Portia, I believe something will eventually come up because she is a very vocal and talented person. Please don’t be mean to others.
“This is incredibly unfair, but South Africa is where the entertainment and sports sectors are tightly controlled.” @Bobby said, “I agree with you there, my brother; it always seems to be the same two faces. I believe it’s time they took a break and allowed those in need, like Portia, to receive aid.
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