Kebe family of 3 consisting of a 45-year-old mother (Nomaphelo Kebe) and her children 23-year-old daughter Wendy Kebe and 17-year-old Sive Kebe were executed in their house on Thursday night in Mfuleni, Cape Town.
It is alleged that the attackers broke in the family’s house on the 30th of July around 20.30 hers, shot them and stole their parked car. The mother and her daughter died on the scene while her son died in the hospital.
The stolen car was found torched in the nearby fields and nothing was stolen from the family household.
23-year-old Wendy Kebe was a well-known Gender-Based Violence Activist and one of the students who were arrested last year at the mass protest for GBV following Uyinene Mrwetyana’s death.
In a bid to pile pressure on the Minister of Police Bheki Cele, Anella a close friend to slain Wendy Kebe penned down an open letter to the Minister.
An Open letter to Bheki Cele – Justice for Wendy Kebe
I’m writing this letter out of hurt and anger. You are our minister of Police however the news of the death of the Kebe family has fallen on deaf ears. 3 bodies gunned down but still no communication whatsoever. Only when we protest you’re shaken and send police. Phof those police will only shoot fire at us and arrest us for the protest. Wendy was such a humble and was at the GBV August march in Cape Town last year everyday she wanted justice to prevail and for Uyinene to be found. It’s such a pity that you do not understand how painful deaths like these are. A person’s life taken out of their own home. Khandixelele Bheki Cele sithini singamabhinqa, sithini silulutsha, sithini singabantwana abancinci. We are so defenseless to these men. Every day a women dies on the hands of a man. Siphephelephi, I am deeply wounded. This family death has been trending on social media but you have failed to SHOW UP to such a cruel situation that happened. You need to attend to this matter personally Minister Bheki Cele. Siyoyika every woman is scared. I’m scared to even go to the shop to by bread because I’m not sure when a man with a gun will come shooting at me, iam scared to be in my own home because I’m not sure when a man with a gun will break in my house shooting at me, I’m scared of the unknown because I’m not sure when a man will Kill me with a Gun.
Kebe family of 3 gunned down execution-style in Mfuleni, Cape Town- Savannanews