Andy Muridzo resorts to piggery
Andy Muridzo has shifted his attention to piggery projects as a way to supplement his income. The music industry has suffered a huge blow due to the Covid-19 lock down. After approximately ten months of inactivity, musicians’earnings have reduced and Baba Keketso has other means.
Onismo Saini, Andy Muridzo‘s manager confirms that Baba Keketso works hard. Despite the many scandals, he still knows his responsibilities as a father and a musician.
“We are now spending much time at the plot in Norton where we have a piggery project. As of now we have over one hundred and fifty pigs and piglets that we are rearing to supplement our dues. We are at another level where we no longer rely on live shows because the environment is not conducive. As musicians and Zimbabwe as a whole, diversifying is the the way to go because the environment and markets are constantly changing. “, Saini further says.
He reminds the public that Andy Muridzo will not stop music. Instead the musician has a lot of music projects going on. Andy Muridzo has a lot of recent collaborations with Nox, Gary Mapanzure and Beverly Sibanda.
When it comes to live shows and performances Andy Muridzo admits that he will waitfor the right time when all things are back to normal. He encourages the whole of Zimbabwe to stay safe and mask up.
Andy Muridzo resorts to piggery