Innocent Sadiki, who plays the character of Sthoko Seakamela in the popular soapie Skeem Saam has taken to her social media to show us her talents as a gospel preacher.
We may know her as MaNtuli’s daughter and Clement’s mother, but Innocent leads an entirely different life in real life.
She is married to a pastor and is a preacher herself. She has taken to her pages to share precisely what being a preacher’s life entails.
Inno is seen preaching the gospel to a cheering crowd. Inno is seen getting seriously taken by the word.
Inno and her twin sister Millicent Mashile presented a show on One Gospel’s DSTV channel. The show is called Alpha Youth. They encourage young people to believe in their spirituality and build their confidence in prayer.
Inno is married to Pastor Phindulo Sadiki, a TV producer. These two were a part of The Pastors wives’ reality show that goes out on Honey TV.
The show focuses on prominent pastors’ wives and their everyday lives. Pastor P has said that he believes that a reality show requires a lot of maturities and that he will not be part of season two which his wife Inno will be.
In Skeem Saam Inno’s character, Sthoko is divorced. Sthoko was Married to Dennis, and they have a son together. Clement now lives with his grandmother Sthoko’s mother after Sthoko suffered a terrible GBV act from Dennis.
In real life, Ino is in a very supportive marriage, and her husband supports her dream as an entertainer.
It looks like this two support each other’s careers very well because, as we can see, Inno is enjoying being a Pastor, but she is in every way involved in her husband’s life as the preacher’s wife.
Innocent Sadiki goes around the country with her husband’s ministry preaching the gospel, and by the look of things, it’s something she will continue to do.
In one of her posts, she is seen posing with her husband and mentions that a pastor’s wife is the first and foremost Woman and a Wife.
Check out her video showing off her skills as a preacher.
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