UFO spotted in Chipinge, sends locals into panic
An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) was seen in Chipinge on Friday night. This has left many locals frightened and with many theories. The residents of Chipinge Township reports to The Manica Post that the UFO moved very fast downwards, exploding, sparking flames and falling with a huge thud.
Many people had to look for cover as the alleged rocket fell towards the ground.
“I heard the thundering sound at around 8.45pm last night. The frightening noise lasted for about 45seconds. I stay at Chipinge Safari Area,” said Mr Charles Mugadhuyu.
Another witness Mr Felistus Magorwa of Tongogara Refugee camp confirms sighting thee UFO. He also says that he saw something like a star headed eastward from his location.
“It was a scary explosion-like sound. It also sounded like rain thunder despite the clear sky, he said.
UFO spotted in Chipinge, sends locals into panic
The last recent weeks have seen Chipinge in the headlines for mysterious or drama related issues. What the locals of Chipinge are describing sound like a comet. A comet is an icy, small solar system body that when passing close to the sun it warms and begins to release gasses. The released gas produces a visible atmosphere or coma and sometimes a tail. If sufficiently bright the comet can be seen without the aid of a telescope.
However, comets are known to make sounds which are described as singing. A meteor is the one that has been described to make various sounds such as whistling, popping, booming, thunderous, whizzing, whirling, roaring and more. A meteor is a small body of matter from outer space that enters the earth’s atmosphere becoming incandescent as a result of friction and appearing as a streak of light. The debris from these called meteorites hit the earth and a scary noise can be heard.
For one to declare what the alleged UFO is there is need of evidence and as now no concrete evidence has been submitted.