Renowned radio personality, Anele Mdoda, recently took a brief hiatus from her usually active social media presence. Known for her engaging conversations on Twitter, fans noticed when she suddenly went quiet. This silence followed a tweet in which Anele Mdoda mentioned suffering from the flu and other health concerns.
Anele Mdoda Health Concerns: An Unexpected Turn
After a period of absence, Mdoda returned to Twitter with an update that left her followers concerned. She revealed that her health had taken a turn for the worse. Initially assuming it was just hay fever, she soon realized that her symptoms were more severe.
I’m alive guys. Barely. My hay fever became full blown fever and now I’m sick sick sick. Runny noses, coughs, the lot. It felt like covid a little but my body is not sore.
— Anele Mdoda (@Anele) September 13, 2023
In her own words, she said, “I’m alive guys. Barely. My hay fever became full-blown fever and now I’m sick sick sick. Runny noses, coughs, the lot. It felt like covid a little but my body is not sore.”
Also read: Anele Mdoda offers advice to Durban July attendees
Fans Rally in Support
Upon hearing the news of Mdoda’s health issues, fans and friends alike flooded her comments with well-wishes and advice on how to recover quickly. The outpouring of support is a testament to the strong connection she has with her followers.