Zimsec confirms June examinations dates
Zimsec June Ordinary Level (O Level) and Advanced Level (A Level) examinations will continue as planned according to the schools roadmap tabled by government.
The June examinations will run from June 29 to July 22 2020
Primary and Secondary Education Permanent Secretary Mrs Thumisang Thabela said that June examinations cancelled. Addressing the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Primary and Secondary Education yesterday, the Permanent Secretary reveled that postponing June examinations presented a logistical nightmare.
“After the minister has presented our suggested roll-out plan to Cabinet and it is accepted that is the only time we will advise on the date of opening.
“As for the June exams, we are starting on June 29 up to July 29,” Mrs Thabela said.
“The June examination is still a priority to us as a ministry. This June examination is the last examination using the old curriculum.
“If we do not give these children who want to sit for the examination a chance, it means we are disabling them in terms of a future because they will have to write a new curriculum or syllabus,” Mrs Thabela said.
The current registered group for the June examinations is reportedly the largest in history.
She said consultations of plan to reopen schools are still underway since they are still to agree with teachers on dates.