The government and Zanu PF has spoken about the fake notices that are circulating on social media about food distribution that is taking place at various points including Africa Unity Square in Harare. Here are some of the points: Bulawayo – City Hall, Gweru Post Office Masvingo Civic Center, Mutare Meikles Park
The permanent secretary in the Ministry of Information Nick Mangwana told the citizens to ignore the notices.
“This is Fake. We are in Lockdown and there will not be any food distribution in Africa Unity Square.”
This is Fake. We are in Lockdown and there will not be any food distribution in Africa Unity Square.
— Nick Mangwana (@nickmangwana) May 17, 2020
The following is the fake notice:
Following the prolonged lockdown, government has put in place measures to mitigate the effects of extended stay at home orders including the provision of food to vulnerable families As a party we want to urge our members to take fun advantage of this opportunityWe are therefore directing all party leadership to ensure that our members know about the food distribution program that commence on Tuesday 19 May across the country Members are req… to bring their party cards to the loom, distribution points
HARARE – Africa Unity Square BULAWAYO – City Hall, Gweru Post Office MASVINGO Civic Center, MUTARE Meikles Park
We will keep you updated of other distribution centers as the information becomes available
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