Zanda Zakuza, the singer who featured in Master KG’s hit songs like Skeleton Moves and Khaya Lam, has announced that she is taking a break from the music industry after she suffered from depression. She moved from the city of Gold to her parent’s house in Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu Natal.
Zanda said she needed to work on her mental health after she was hospitalised and treated for depression and anxiety. She said she could not handle the pressure and toxicity of Jozi and the entertainment scene. “I had to get away from this industry that was harming me and focus on my well-being,’ she said.
She said she wanted to be in a different environment and to feel the real love from her family and friends. “I only come to Jozi when I have a gig-it’s a toxic place,’ Zanda said, adding that she was keeping herself occupied and alive by writing music. She said she will return next year as a better person. “I have a lot of music that I will be releasing and I might be signing with a new record label,’ she revealed.
Zanda, who faced criticism for singing Nomcebo Zikode’s part in the song Jerusalema during a European tour with Master KG, said things are not as good as they seem at Open Mic Productions. “I won’t lie things are not as good as they look at Open Mic,’ she confirmed.
A source said Zanda felt ignored by the record label since it reduced its staff. “She felt like she needed to grow and develop herself as an independent artist. She was not getting gigs and was having financial problems and that’s why she decided to go back home to start over and work on her craft again.” The source said she left about two months ago because she could not afford life in the big city.