Update: Father of 10 files a police statement<\/strong><\/p>\n
More confusion in South Africa as the father of the 10 babies<\/a> files a police<\/a> statement. There seemed to be a misunderstanding when the Gauteng<\/a> Provincial government claimed that the record of the babies was nowhere to be found in public and private hospitals in Gauteng.<\/a> Now it is clear something is up after the father filed a police statement but he did not clarify why.<\/p>\n
The rumor about the missing person inquiry was quickly rubbished when the Gauteng Province released a statement confirming the mother of the 10 babies had contacted the authorities. Now some reports claim the father has not seen his children also.<\/p>\n
Some people who claim to know the couple are saying the couple is lying about the babies. Some members of the public have their theories and stories concerning this matter. Here are some of the comments:<\/p>\n
\u201cAll I know nna ke kgathetse, yesterday nje& counting it seems like 14 members of the family r nowhere to be found even the father has not seen his Tentuplets & now Triplets are missing too, he’s out looking for his family. I don’t know what’s true anymore, it’s Piet’s fault\u201d<\/p>\n
\u201cHuge pillow can’t produce kids, they need to be taken to court.\u201d<\/p>\n
\u201cAnd I just heard this morning, the family is looking for her other triplets, who was born in 2018…..they don\u2019t know where those babies are….\u201d<\/p><\/blockquote>\n
South Africans<\/a> are concerned about this issue and would like the matter solved. If people are missing and the babies too then urgent help is needed looking at how vulnerable the little babies are.<\/p>\n