Gomora’s young actress Sibongile ‘Nandipa Khubone’ shared a video compilation of her September’s best moments that impressed Mzansi. Sibongile has grown to be one of the main stars on Gomora after her rape issue with Mr Leballo. She is arguably the most crucial actor of her age mates on Gomora. Sbosh has become a fan favourite with many unsure whether or not to sympathise with her onset struggles.
Sibongile is an orphan who lost his parents and now living with his stepmother Zodwa ‘Sannah Mchunu’ and his new lover Bongani. Things are not well for Sibongile, a young girl ambitious about being a celebrity but with few resources. Her hustles to raise funds, Sbosh always finds herself in trouble.
Looking back to September, Sibongile had a wonderful month that she had to compile for all of us to see. Indeed, Sibongile is a broke and needy girl on the show, but in real life, she is living her Gomora dream. Let’s go straight into Nandipa’s funny and expensive September without wasting much time.
Gomora actress ‘Sibongile’ Nandipa Khubone’s September best moments
In summary, Nandipa went through different things across September, showing how complete she is. She is a hard worker behind the scenes, and when she goes out to a party, she does that like it’s her last day. Nandipa started with her onset makeup session as she vibed with fellow stars and the whole cast. She also showed wonderful moments she spent with her young brother and sister. She also highlighted their celebrations on Gomora when Sonto ‘Connie Chiume’ won her Life Time Achievement award.
After showing her best moments with the Gomora cast and her family, Nandipa showed the good times she enjoyed with her friends at the club, dancing and having a lot of fun. She also included her excellent;l moments with fellow Gomora actors Ntokozo ‘Ntobeko Sishi’ and Teddy ‘Sicelo Buthelezi’ at Burna Boy live show. There the youngsters enjoyed themselves as the African Jiant produced arguably his best live performance ever in South Africa.
Family, workmates and friends consist of Gomora actor ‘Nandipa Khubone’ Sibongile’s close circle that makes her life enjoyable. Indeed, in most of her best moments, Sibongile had her friends close by. They are the ones that give her the comfort she needs when she is down.
Watch Gomora actor ‘Sibongile’ Nandipa Khubone’s September best moments
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