Uzalo shares some behind the scenes footage as Vika prepares for tonight’s heist.
Vikizithas heist is coming tonight, and all hell is about to get loose.
We all know that Vika is fast becoming the scariest menace to the society of KwaMashu.
The first time we were introduced to him, he hijacked a truck and killed a police officer.
The police have been trying to find him, but he seems to be a slippery one.
Nkunzi is going through a very tough period since Vika’s arrival, and it doesn’t help that Mondli seems not to understand the depths of Nkunzi’s worries about this young man.
Tonight Vika will strike again, and Uzalo has shared some behind the scenes footage for the preparation of the second big heist from Vika.

Vika is going for the money this time and from the video released, it’s going to be seriously intense.
The drama directors are hard at work, setting up gunmen and making sure everything is executed correctly.
Vika is also seen in the video with his now-infamous golden gun that he killed Officer Oliphant with.
This will be an epic Street scene as we all know Uzalo has shown us flames before.
Lily is still recovering from Vika’s first heist, and bodyguards have now been allocated to guard her 24 hours a day because an attempt on her life ended up in a fatal shooting at the hospital.

Vika was heard talking to Bab’ Nsimbi, and he was telling him that the family is unhappy with his recent ways and the killings that have been happening around him. He put one of their trusted corrupt officers in the line of fire, and now they don’t have anyone to give them inside police information.
Vika is not one to listen to advice or take instructions well.
We are preparing for the Njinji family infestation at KwaMashu, which is sure to keep Nkunzi and Mondli on their toes for at least a couple of months.
Check out these exciting behind the scenes visuals, and get the feel of the set for tonight’s heist.
Watch Scenes from Tonight’s Money Heist by Vika