Mr Mbatha will give Sambulo a run for his money; judging from the newly released behind the scenes footage Pope Mbatha is coming for everything.
It’s been a long road for him; as we all know, Mbatha’s reputation is nothing to write home about.
He has deceived and lied to the people of KwaMashu, and recently he broke into Nkunzis’ safe and stole a lot of money from him.
He played with MaDongwe’s feelings and broke her heart, but those things have been forgotten.
Mbatha is incomplete bishop Pope Evangelist in the video, Priest Mbatha mode.
It looks like he might be getting ready for his first photoshoot for the official launch of KFC that we are getting prepared for in April.
The launch will be a grand event from the posters that Mbatha he’s been distributing around town.
There’ll be performances from Dumi Mkokstad.

Problems with the church in KwaMashu have always involved the interference of Mbatha.
Mbatha will face a lawsuit from a performing artist in the upcoming episodes. Mbatha may be spreading false information about Dumi Mkokstad performing on the day of his launch.
It looks like it will end up being Hhlebgiwe Mhlaba will be his next bet.
KFC is steadily growing either way, which brings us to the question about KCC and Pastor Gwala.
There haven’t been any plans to revive KC since that unfortunate fire incident caused by Sibonelo.
Pastor Gwala left everything just as it was and disappeared, leaving all of his congregation at the hands of vultures like Gabisile and Mbatha.
Are we ever going to see the revival of KCC, and once that happens, what will happen to the Bishop, Pope, Evangelist, Priest, Pastor Mbatha? Will that be the end of KFC?
We will have to wait out and see; for now, we are gearing up for an event of a lifetime, where the self-ordained Priest Mbatha will unveil new regalia.
Catch all of these developments on the upcoming episodes of Uzalo.
Catch the next episodes of Uzalo on SABC1 at 20h30
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