Muvhango has joined in on the #givemesomechallenge that has since gone viral worldwide. The give me some drop challenge began on TikTok by an American comedian named Atsuko Okatsuka; this challenge sees people suddenly drop down slowly and squatting to a Beyonce song playing In the background. They all have to be looking at the camera while doing this.
Muvhango actors took a video in a dressing room during their break to attempt this fun challenge.
In the video, Maumela Mahuwa plays Susan Mukwevho, Innocentia Makapila Manchindi (Rendani), Angela Atlang (Itseng), Susan Ravuku (Thifelimbilu), and some of the women who work behind the scenes were the stars of this show.
The video starts well, and they all drop to the beat as a collective, and then on their third drop, Maumela (Susan) loses control and falls on Rendani, and they all break out in laughter.
The fall revealed a surprise dropper at the back, Gabriel Temudzani (Azwindini). Bafhuwi himself was dropping down almost to the floor the whole time, and he was doing it macho style.
The video was met with a lot of laughter from the followers of the Soapie, and many loved that Bafhuwi also joined in on the fun. Fans noticed how hilarious he looked and performed like he was doing squats from the gym.
The challenge has since gone viral and sees everyone from their homes, work, and even restaurants suddenly getting down. Even dogs have joined in on this challenge, but that’s a story for another day.

The challenge brings team spirit to colleagues, friends and families. Beyonce is known for her very suggestive moves in this video. The beat comes from an intro to a song called Partition from Beyonce’s self-titled visual album, which she released back in 2013.
We wish the team spirit were the same in the drama, though, because there isn’t any teamwork at this point between any of these characters. Especially Azwindini and Susan.
The Muvhango family didn’t want to be left out, and as far as we are concerned, they killed it.
Watch Muvhango cast’s #GiveMeSomeChallenge below.
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