Babes Wodumo has been making many headlines lately, causing drama in her private life. A few days ago, she went on a live drunk in the morning and threatened to beat Makhadzi up for dating Mampintsha. The musician claimed that Makhadzi wanted her man and that she claims that she was Makhadzi’s friend and the Ghanama hitmaker should not have slept with her friend’s husband. Makhadzi responds to Babes Wodumo using a video and advises her to deal with her man.
Yesterday Makhadzi responded through a tweet to Babes Wodumo’s allegations, but she later made a video addressing the whole issue. The redcard singer said that she did not even have Mampintsha’s phone number in the video, and she only came to their studio to work. She said that she could not control someone to not look at her, and so Babes should deal with her man instead.
In the video, Makhadzi narrated how Babes Wodumo had started hitting Mampintsha for looking at Makhadzi and poured alcohol on a computer throwing a tantrum. All this happened while Makhadzi and her team were in the studio for the first time. Makhadzi went on to say that she is not interested in Mampintsha and that it’s not her fault that Babes Wodumo’s man loves women.
Makhadzi narrates how Babes Wodumo is violent.
In hindsight, Babes Wodumo once insulted Makhadzi calling her ugly and saying she did not bathe. Makhadzi did not respond to that public insult from Babes Wodumo, but fans have been expressing their views on the whole issue. Many fans have been making fun of Babes Wodumo asking her why she feels threatened by someone she said was unhygienic. To add fuel un top of it, all the wololo singer went live on Instagram last week threatening to beat up her mother-in-law and later claimed it was a publicity stunt.
Makhadzi, in her live, asked Babes Wodumo to stop tainting her name in a bad image. And went on record to say that she has her own man and that Babes Wodumo was just jealousy because she claimed she discovered Makhadzi first, and it had to be her doing the song with Makhadzi, not Mampintsha.