All we know is that Kelly Khumalo is a crowd puller, sometimes for all the wrong reasons, but a crowd puller nonetheless. No matter what she does, people find a way of blowing it up, and there have been some thoughts that she is a misunderstood person. Well, after she was spotted performing what looks like a ritual, that theory will be amplified.
Kelly’s career has been covered in controversy for a long time. These stories come undone every time she’s seen with someone or releases a new song. We all know about the Senzo Meyiwa story. She has never lived that down, and the Jub Jub story where she was accused of using muthi on Podcast and Chill.
The Muthi accusation happened some time ago now, and Kelly has never responded to those allegations.
Now, in the new video circulating of Kelly, she is seen standing near the water, and she just stared for a while; she was holding something in her hand. It’s unclear what it was, but it looked like a coin.
She then moves to throw what she was holding onto the water. The incident attracted so much attention towards her, and some people think this is not a big deal, but some have lost it over this.

The video got mixed reactions after being posted on Twitter. Some felt there was no reason someone would bother to post such a video, and some saw nothing wrong with what was happening in the video.
The video was posted on Kelly’s Instagram not long ago, and people saw it fit to take it and post it on Twitter.
Kelly attracts attention no matter what she does, and she might have been making a wish for that to die down this year? Maybe?

Some people believe in making wishes by throwing coins in the water; some wish on stars.
Judging from the videos she had posted on Instagram, Kelly doesn’t give two cents about what is said about her, including the interview in Podcast and Chill.
Kelly can’t seem to breathe without people catching her breath and posting it on social media.
Watch Kelly Khumalo below:
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