Hleziphi is close to a breaking point, and things are just starting. Last night she received a very stern and clear warning from Kwanda. Hleziphi went to speak to Lilly about her suspicions about Kwanda and the fact that he is a tally selling drugs.
Hleziphi believes that Nonka is a part of the drug-selling empire, and when she attempts to tell this to Lilly, she gets thrown out like a dog.
Kwanda got very angry when Lilly told him and Nonka what Hleziphi said, which led to the stern warning she got last night.
In the video, Hleziphi goes to the police and sits with Mondli and Sergeant Biyela crying and holding a powdery substance in her hands.
She tells the police not to let Lilly know what she came to report because Lilly will tell Nonka, the news will reach Kwanda’s ears, and Hleziphi feels that Kwanda would kill her brother.
This information leaves the police puzzled, and according to the teasers, this will prompt them to confirm tests on Kwanda’s products, and these products will test positive, and by the end of the week, Lilly will also start getting suspicious because of this.

Nonka doesn’t know that a drug operation is going on under her nose. This was confirmed to us by Kwanda at the beach party, who called Nonka a love-sick puppy who isn’t aware of anything.
Why is Hleziphi suspicious of Nonka because she was listening to Kwanda rambling at the beach?
Things are about to unravel big time because once Kwanda’s products test positive, his business is about to shut down, and Kwanda knows exactly who is behind this bust.
Kwanda is about to cause severe trouble for the police and Hleziphi.
The fairy tale love story is not at all what we thought. Kwanda just wanted to be with Nonka to find a place where he could sell his drugs without suspicion and disturbance.
Lilly is now caught between a rock and a jar place because she realizes that the peaceful life she has been living comes from the dirty money and that her sister might have to go to jail, arrested by her.
Watch Hleziphi breaking down from fear in the video below:
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