Eunice’s house warming party deserves to enter the World Guinness book of records. Everyone is still feeling dizzy from that grand entrance she gave us.
Eunice has been on a money spending spree since she unlocked Fanies money. She has alienated all of her friends, including her ride or dies Pretty.
All the people that were at the party were unknown to us.
The decorations for the party were glamorous and very expensive, true to Eunice’s lifestyle at the moment.
Skeem Saam has been exciting this event on their social pages, from the glamorous invitation card to the continuous messages on their page making sure we time in at 18h30 to Skeem Saam.
The party started as a normal glamorous party that Eunice threw every day in her flat. Everyone was having the greatest time; Koloi, Clement and even Mkay were there. They were all very impressed by how high profiled this party was.

Then the reveal happened.
Eunice emerged carried on a pedestal like a golden statue. She had muscled men showing skin carrying her like she was in an Egyptian movie.
The party attendees’ jaws were on the floor as she was presented.

Miss Nkadimeng was throwing money at everyone, real money, as in cash. She made it rain money.
The clothes Eunice was wearing must have cost thousands of rands.
It doesn’t end there.
Eunice was seen dragging a large portion of substance down her nose. She has taken a turn in a very dark place.
Social media hasn’t recovered from that party. Some have called her storyline the most interesting since she changes the most, from being down to earth and pure to living dangerously.
The viewers have welcomed Skeem Saam’s educational themes. It’s not only the young students who learn lessons in the story but even grown people are also shown to be students of life.
It’s obvious where Eunice is headed, she will learn the hard way that money ends, and her friends will disappear while she is drowning in debt.
We are looking forward to another tremendous educational story on Skeem Saam.
Please find out more about this story as we bring you more new episodes every day.