Look who appeared out of the shadows in 2022; it’s Bobo from Yizo Yizo. Ok, so the 2000s might not know who this man is; let’s get them up to speed. Innocent Masuku is part of one of the greatest stories to be told in the history of South African television.
In 1999 a series called Yizo Yizo broke into our lives and took over forever. Yizo Yizo became one of the most cutting-edge storytelling of our time.
The series saw the industry opening up as it mainly featured unknown faces and gave them leadership roles.
One of the newcomers was Innocent Mavuso. Mavuso played the role of Bobo, the hobo, a Kasie boy living on the edge who finds himself hooked on drugs due to poverty.
In one of the most powerful scenes in the series, Bobo gets so high he hallucinates a cow. The scene is so believable that viewers thought he was tall for real. Innocent nailed the part so much that he turned iconic.
Innocent continued to portray the role of Bobo for the duration of the series, which lasted for three seasons.
The last time we saw Mavuso was when he portrayed another character involved in drugs in a series called Tshisa.
Innocent never hid that he was addicted to drugs and alcohol and had been fighting hard to kick the habit since he broke into the industry. It looks like the characters he played weren’t very far from his true nature.
People complained about how much weight he had lost and how destroyed he looked after that.
Now a video of Bobo addressing his drug and alcohol abuse is circulating, and it is part of motivating young people for the youth month.

He addressed the impact of drugs and alcohol in his life and how he lost many opportunities in his acting career.
In the video, Bobo warns the youth how important it is to choose their friends wisely.
He said he wishes that the youth could be exposed to career exhibitions to get information on careers earlier in life.
Nkosana says that he regrets the choices that led to him being addicted to drugs and alcohol. He says he lost so many good friends.
The actor mentions that he may look like he is strong on the outside, but he says that he is breaking inside when he thinks of how far he would have been having he chosen a different path.
He says he has been clean for almost five years and feels lucky to be one of the people who survived.
Bobo says there is no trash can to throw away human beings, that everyone deserves a second chance, and that forgiveness is essential.
Watch the video below: