Video: Zodwa Wabantu takes new bae for pen!s enlargement
No doubt Zodwa Wabantu never ceases to amaze. She is full of drama that Mzansi can’t get enough of. We can all agree that she that A-list celeb we all hate to love.
Of late she has let us sneak into her relationship. It’s a well known fact that she is more into Ben 10’s and she is not shy about that. However recently she pulled a shocker that got Mzansi talking. She has served us with drama but this one.

Media personality Zodwa Wabantu recently pulled another shocker. The talented media personality who recently revealed she no longer date Ben 10s took her boyfriend to the doctor for penis enlargement at Herrwood Medical Centre, the same doctor who did her virginal tightening surgery years back.
“This was not my decision alone. We sat down as a couple and spoke about this because being open with one another solves a lot of problems in a relationship. We have realised that doing this can eliminate problems such as cheating because when one is not sexually satisfied, they end up looking elsewhere.
“My boyfriend ejaculates fast, sometimes the erection is not strong enough and the penis is not the right size that I desire, so we decided to go and seek assistance because it will help us both to be fully satisfied and happy,” she said.
Video: Zodwa Wabantu takes new bae for pen!s enlargement
Zodwa who received a lot of backlashes when she shared the video of her taking her boyfriend to the doctor said she does not care what people say.
“In everything I do, people will talk. So I have decided to stop pleasing people and focus on pleasing myself. I know by doing this with my partner, we will both get the sexual pleasure we desire. I also wanted to show people that such problems can affect anyone, even the celebrities they look up to can face such and they should not be afraid to stand up for themselves and seek the help they require,” she said.
Zodwa who set tongues wagging a few years back when she went to get her punani tightened said she will go for the procedure again soon.
“When I feel like things are no longer the same, I will definitely go back and do the procedure, because I am fan of taking care of my body, as it is the only body that I have,” she said.