Video: Mpumalanga slay queen goes AWOL after leaking videos of blesser bathing with snake
No doubt life is greater than anything money can afford. Of late a local Mpumalanga slay queen has seen herself trending after she did the unthinkable. She pulled a shocker when she decided to bite a hand that feeds her.
Popular Mpumalnaga slay queen Faay Nice has since gone Awol after leaking a millionaire’s bath routine video. To many it might be like a typical African movie scene from a movie but it is real.
She leaked a video of celebrated Nigerian blesser Mr Jacob bathing with a big snake in his bathing room.

Follow the link to watch the full video.
Rumour has it that trouble brewed when Fay Nice (Fathima Ndlovu) leaked the voodoo secret of her Nigerian born lover and blesser, Mr Jacob. What was supposed to be a weekend of love and bonding between the two ended up being a weekend of Tom and Jerry as Mr Jacob desperately hunted for Fay Nice who has since gone awol?
Video: Mpumalanga slay queen goes AWOL after leaking videos of blesser bathing with snake
As popular as he is his viral video made all sorts of headlines after flooding social media. However, contacted for comment Mr Jacob indicated that he kept these snakes as pets not the other way round.

“My guy, I have a pet snake. Everyone knows it. I actually have three snakes. I have the licenses”, narrated Mr Jacob. What she did is making me seem like I use black magic. The Anaconda loves water that’s why I was bathing with it. In fact, I wasn’t even bathing. I was bathing it”, he defended himself.
However, the video comes barely a few months after a video of Mzansi Slay Queens Doing Mapona For Nigerian Blessers.
The Wisemans from the east always insists ever bite a hand that feeds. No doubt you can only ask how high can you jump if the master asks you to jump. In the wake of the pandemic, Mzansi seems to have brought about a new concept of partying which is worrisome.
Of late we have had or come across disturbing lockdown parties which have even questioned the dignity of our nation.

The lockdown has unleashed all from thirst traps and misbehavioural patterns in South Africa our land. Every other week a video or challenge is emerging that is questioning our position as a God-fearing nation. Three videos have surfaced showing what appears to be a house party featuring slay queens dancing for their master.
Nothing wrong with that you might say but the one thing that catches the eye is the fact that the woman in the video is totally naked as she danced in front of the man speaking a Nigerian dialect.
In the second video, naked women can be seen in the Jacuzzi. They then start performing se_xual acts on each other as one of the Nigerian men sits with them and his anaconda dangling.
Also, Read Videos; Mzansi Slay Queens Doing Mapona For Nigerian Blessers