Flamboyant businessman Genius Kadungure known as Ginimbi has suffered a massive humuliation on his Instagram programme Ginimbi LIVE. The socialite appears on his Instagram every week where he talks to ladies. He says he only speaks to beautiful ladies and anyone who is ugly should not join Ginimbi Live. A woman has made fun of Ginimbi’s nose
He came up with a new program called Twerk or Treat where he asks girls to compete for price money by twerking.

His idea did not go according to plan as he was humiliated on his channel. An unnamed lady was asked to twerk after she joined Ginimbi live, but she refused and insulted Ginimbi instead. The lady is heard telling Ginimbi, “no twerking” and Ginimbi agreed he wasn’t going to ask her to twerk. She went on to say, “your nose is bigger than my bums so no twerking.”
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