Video: Eastern Cape Principal Mr Butshingi gets flowers for excellent results
With the announcement of Matric Results imminent, South Africans took time to appreciate one of the exceptional educators in the country Eastern Cape-based Mr Butshingi.
Eastern Cape-based principal Mr Butshingi is hailed for hyping and encouraging his learners to a point that they believe in themselves and conquer. His demanding and supportive leadership style raised his school pass rate over the years to the extent that parents bussed their children from long distances to enrol them in his school.
Some parents immediately bussed their children to Willowvale once they heard that he was there.
Hailed for demanding excellence, Principal Butshingi started off by enforcing quality control amongst his staff members, he cancelled the culture of coming late for work.
I have a neighbour (Zazulwana) who teaches there. Before Butshingi arrived they used to go to school around 7h00, when Butshingi arrived there she would leave home around 04h30 until she relocated to Idutywa.
– Zola Qoyise
Video: Eastern Cape Principal Mr Butshingi gets flowers for excellent results
In a video making rounds on Twitter uploaded by Twitter user @Mkhu28, Principal Mr Butshingi was seen carrying a top performer in 2020 NSC results on his shoulders singing for him in front of the whole school.
South Africans give thumps up to Principal Butshingi
This is beautiful. Every kid excels when they have someone who believes in them, supports them and most importantly celebrates their accomplishments.
-Solly Malatsi
People like Mr Butshingi and many more all around our country deserve everything that we are currently giving uninterruptedly to politicians. Hero status, respect, trust, hero-worshipping, undivided loyalty, dedication, rewards, high salaries, cult hero status, and etc.
– Thabo Maphutha
I see that his love for education hasn’t changed a bit. I am so happy that he inspires our children to dream and I am his staff is the happiest and very motivated.
– fezeka gwayi
Wow!!! UThixo amsikelele amandisele uMr Bhutshingi. He is the Best. All children need is someone to believe in them. Thank you for sharing this it’s beautiful.
– ILovePhends
Principal Butshingi has a tracking record of success and producing 100% pass rates
Indeed he is simple the best manager I know, whatever Mr Butshingi touches, it turns into gold. Even from his previous school he was producing 100% year after year.
Video: Eastern Cape Principal Mr Butshingi gets flowers for excellent results- Savannanews