The drama continues in KwaMashu as Nomzamo’s body continues to year Sambulo and the distillery partners apart.
Let’s do a little recap on yesterday’s episode.
Nonka visited Nomzamo’s second grave and then 8nvited Pastor Gwala to do the same. He dug up the grave and exhumed the body by himself. Poor Nomzamo! Sambulo didn’t even call the police.
What will happen now? Sibonelo’s plan might work if Sambulo is caught digging up Nomzamo’s body from a strange ditch.
Njeza is forced to face his complicated past by Patrick Shai. Patrick asks Njeza some hard questions about his behaviour towards Nosipho. Njeza blamed his father, who ended up killing his mother in a Gender-Based Violence act that left him with scars for life. Patrick, however, makes Njeza take responsibility for his actions.
Babekazi has wholly jumped to the other side to carry out her plan to steal R300000 from Nkunzi. The witch doctor they consulted gave them what he calls” Nyamalala bembhekile”, which simply translates as magically vanish. Mbatha doesn’t believe in this concoction. I can’t wait for them to put this concoction to the test.
Nonka misses a meeting with the partners as the distillery nears completion. Sbu and Sbonelo were discussing what the company’s branding would look like. Sbonelo worries Nonka might be slipping.

Let’s check where the drama takes us tonight…
Pastor Gwala is determined to bring Sibonelo to justice, and he will use anything and anyone to get that.
He wants Nonka to testify against Sibonelo; will Nonka do it? I wonder.
Nkunzi has a meeting with the corrupt Nyawo, and Nyawo is about to learn that taking a deal with Nkunzi requires more than just appearances.
Nosipho gets a visit from Patric Shai himself. Patrick checks up on Nosipho as part of Njeza’s healing program with Khuluma Ndoda. He feels Nosipho must also receive healing and wants to see if she needs anything.
Babekazi continues to seek traditional ways to complete her mission. Mbatha ashes the Witchdoctor to prove that ” Nyamalala bembhekile” works. Mbatha and the Witchdoctor don’t agree about anything as far as this is concerned.
Let’s wait and see if they vanish concoction works. Watch tonight’s episode of Uzalo at 20h30 on SABC1.
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