Recapping last night’s episode…
Nosipho worked up the courage to face Njeza and tears started to flow for the both of them. It was emotional. Nosipho couldn’t find it in her heart to forgive Njeza, and his guilt was eating away at him.
Sibonelo spied on Nonka meeting Sambulo, and she later found him waiting for her in her house. Sibonelo gave her a very clear message that she must stop talking to Pastor Gwala. He had that dark look on his face that Sibonelo had when he thought really bad things.
Mbatha and Babekazi started to doubt their plans and thus are halting their mission at the moment. These two are going to extra lengths to get what they want. This is probably a good thing since Nkunzi is watching for anyone coming close to him like a hawk.
On today’s episode of Uzalo

Gabisile visits Babekazi at Mbatha’s house and warns her to leave KwaMashu. They get into it, throwing names at each other; Babekazi tells Habidilevtonfirfet about it. Gabisile reminds Babekazi that she is a wanted fugitive that still does nothing. Gabi lets her know she is disappointed that Babekazi thinks she is only worth R800000.
The invitations are ready. The theme is to dress for success. The Bhebhe distillery opening is near, and the excitement is building to total capacity with the two partners, except Nonka. This makes Sibonelo give her a severe warning. He tells her the dream is out the window if she keeps meeting Pastor Gwala. Enormous sacrifices were made for this distillery. Let’s see if they will keep the walls standing.
After an emotional journey to the past, Njeza and Nosipho reach a place where they can forgive each other. Especially Njeza for the pain he caused Nosipho and nearly killing her. Nosipho is ready to let go of the chains binding her to Njeza. She finally forgives him today.
Catch Uzalo tonight on SABC1 at 20h30
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