The South African actor, who plays Sbu on the popular SABC drama series Uzalo, is making waves after his guest appearance on Ukhozi FM. He showed his versatility and talent as a radio presenter on the festive season special programme, Siyayijika Lento.
Many listeners were amazed by his performance and encouraged him to pursue radio presenting as a career. Simphiwe Majozi revealed his passion for presenting to the media and said, “Radio presenting and acting are similar. They both have scripts. I enjoy both. My voice is also suitable for radio presenting, and many people often tell me that I have a good voice for radio.”
Simphiwe Majozi has also been successful as an MC and has become one of the most in-demand celebrity MCs. He announced that he is working on his new hit song, Sukuma. Simphiwe Majozi is thinking of expanding his horizons in the entertainment industry with radio presenting.
Many celebrities have done the same and have become household names. Some examples are Somizi Mhlongo and Minnie Dlamini.