Mamelodi Sundowns talisman Bongani Zungu is topping trends after he shared photos of his son playing football on social media. Over the years, celebrities have made it a norm to hide their children from the public and hardly share their pictures. So when they post, they often trend, and that was the case with Bongani Zungu, who shared photos of his son with bubbly actress and influencer Cindy Manhlangu.
Zungu’s Post
Zungu shared his son in a Manchester City kit while playing football. His caption left many in stitches as they tried to connect the dots about his future destination. Zungu captioned the post: “Project Saudi Arabia 💫🐻❤️#baller 🔥” Since Cristiano Ronaldo moved to Saudi Arabia, the country’s football clubs have been attracting big money transfers that have often made headlines.
Fans’ Reaction
However, South Africans jokingly advised Zungu to ensure his son stars for Mamelodi Sundowns. Some jokingly suggested that the future star should play for Manchester City since he seems happy in the blue and white kit. The now-viral photos have gained several comments and reactions since it dropped. After all, fans hope it’s a ‘like father story in the making.’
Bongani Zungu’s Career
The Mamelodi Sundowns star has wowed many with his flair. However, Bonagni Zungu’s form has left many worried over the years. The star has had several injuries that have affected his career. His love life has often been said privy to his worrisome form in the past seasons. Against the backdrop of the criticism Mamelodi Sundowns’ coach recently made it known that the star is falling in love with football again.