The reality show, which follows the lives of wealthy entrepreneur Shauwn Mkhize and her kids Sbahle and Andile Mpisane, is back for a second season. This time, Tamia Mpisane joins the cast as she makes her first appearance on screen.
Tamia, who is the chairwoman of Royal AM football club, became a public figure after she tied the knot with Andile. Since then, many people have wondered about her, making guesses about her identity, her preferences, and her motivations.
Tamia finally reveals how she feels about showing herself to the world through KwaMam’Mkhize.
“It is something new for me, so I am naturally anxious about the journey and everything that comes with it. But with the support of my husband and family, it has been smooth.” She also talks about the difficulties of filming, saying that she initially thought it would be easy but it turned out to be hard work.
“When you wake up, there are people with cameras in your face and you have no choice because that is what you agreed to.” She says she will add a lot to the show in her various roles as a wife, mother, chairwoman and daughter.
“On social media, people often say I do not talk because I am usually quiet, so they should watch the show and hear me talk. People will see the real me in my natural state.”
Tamia says motherhood has transformed her in many ways, even though she has always been caring. She says after having kids, her personality flourished even more.
“I have become more protective. I am truly enjoying the journey. When you have kids, something in you shifts and you can never go back to who you were before. You will see my children on the show but it will be in a very regulated environment because people can be very mean. Like I said, I am a very protective mom and my kids’ happiness is the most important thing to me.”
The second season of KwaMam’Mkhize, now a Showmax Original, launches on December 14, with new episodes coming out every Thursday.”