South African Liquor Trading Organisations threaten to reopen
Following Bheki Cele‘s debacle with South Africans regarding his use of grudges in law enforcement, social media has been ablaze. Liquor trading associations are threatening to reopen as President Cyril Ramaphosa is dodging their calls.
The alcohol ban is seeing masses losing their jobs and revenues in the industry hitting a nose dive. The government however is prioritizing citizens’ well being as the ban helps curb the Corona virus. All these efforts may be futile as the transport industry is failing to observe Covid-19 regulations.
South African Liquor Trading Organisations threaten to reopen
Regarding the issue, people take to twitter to weigh in with their two cents
It’s only right. This prohibition is absolutely baseless…they can reinforce sanctions against those that violate the law or put other people in danger because of their behavior. But they cannot dictate and setting up an entire industry to fail like that.
People going to the beach, liquor traders threatening to open, churches saying enough is enough. Is it just me, or are we seeing the beginning of a mass descent. Jeez I hope so.
What’s the sense of the liquor ban if alcohol is still freely available on the black market, people still drink. Out of 100 drinkers/consumers 90% pay for 10% consumers stupid irresponsible behaviour. Employers/Employees in the liquor trade are the only ones suffering.
It seems however that not everyone is on board as most have lost loved ones to this virus.
We have so many issues in our country but their concern is about making profits? Families are being wiped the COVID-19. Our schooling has been heavily interrupted and compromised. Many teachers have died of covid.
South Africa has procured doses of the Covid -19 vaccine set to reach the country today and President Cyril Ramaphosa will get the first consignment of the vaccine.
South African Liquor Trading Organisations threaten to reopen