Our Shimza, the DJ, got shredded for showing off his bathroom’s pictures on Twitter yesterday before he dashed to a hot musical event. What was meant to be a funny meme turned to be the biggest joke. Shimza took a picture of his unique shower which pours water from the top and the sides. The shower has multiple knobs on the side to help adjust the amount of water pressure best suited to your preference when you take a shower. His caption described the Dj having agreed to meeting up with his friends at 10:00 but being in the shower at 09:55, 5 minutes before the time they fixed on a meeting.

Instead of indulging in the joke, tweeps started making multiple jokes about the shower; one of them asked Shimza rather tell people he’s rich instead of posting his radio looking shower. Some users compared the shower to a machine, and it was humour and humour galore.
It’s was not the first time Shimza got roasted for his home, as beautiful as it is.

Twitter is one strange site, as people make jokes about everything there. During the beginning of hard lockdown level 5 in South Africa, gyms were closed for months, and Shimza was on his fitness journey inspired by Cassper at the time. As the DJ resides in a massive mansion, Shimza asked his followers to join him in his indoor runs in their homes to keep fit during the lockdown. Twitter users then told the Dj they live in one-roomed homes with beds, fridges, couches and microwaves in very close ranges. There wasn’t a way they could run indoors. Others started jokingly reminding Shimza of his home before his mansion.
Black Twitter is very vicious, and one needs a pretty thick skin to survive it. If you’re not there to look at the tweets, laugh, then log out, then you need to tread carefully. One single misinterpretation of your tweet could lead hundreds of people to roast you. It’s highly not recommended for people who are highly sensitive because wow!
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