Alfios may have been found on today’s episode.
Let’s first recap on last nights episode on Skeem Saam.
A shoe that might be Alfioses was discovered at the hiking trail.
The search for Alfios had begun, and Babeile found more than one pair of shoe prints at the mountain. That signals that there was someone else with Alfios there.
Magongwa’s shoes get him into trouble again. It’s a different pair this time, but it’s shoes nonetheless.
The police went to Magongwa’s house, and they found him and Celia burning clothing items, and one of those items was shoes.
Mahlatse also questioned the burning of the shoes. Magongwa implicated Katlego Pieterson and Glenda Mogotsi.
Katlego was also interrogated by Babeile about Alfioses disappearance, as Alfios’s car was found parked near Capsys since Friday, but Katlego explained why it was there.
Principal Thobagale nearly gave Alfred a heart attack when she walked in on him trying to search for accidents in Polokwane reported on the internet while he was supposed to be in class. He eventually received a verbal warning for neglecting his duties.
Still, on Principal Thobagale, she declined Evelyn’s suggestion about adopting the Turf High literacy program.
John confesses that he had been hit by Meikies absence in his life to Mapitsi. This is because Melita is preoccupied with the tender corruption and neglects her duties at the SuperMarket.
Melita paid a strange visit to the police station carrying a black plastic bag with burnt clothing. Could it be the rubble from the Magongwa’s?
The Marothi A Pula literacy program gala dinner was a big success, and even Mantuli was impressed. The program was the topic of the day around Turfloop. Zamokuhle is the talk of the town, doing radio interviews as the face of the program.
Lehasa and Khwezi have an altercation with the Mavimbelas the next day at Capsys. The animosity between them is alive and real.

Tonight on Skeem Saam
Celia and Alfred are shocked when Charles reports that the police say Alfios may have fallen off the cliff. It looks like the police have found Alfios. Magongwa’s life gets even more complicated when one of Alfioses relatives remembers who he is.
John receives an unexpected phone from Meikie from prison, and she is unhappy with the running of the Supermarket.
Khwezi looks on as Lehasa’s obsession about the Mavimbela’s plays out right in front of her eyes.
Principal Thobagale might have turned Evelyn down, but she knows a good thing when she sees it, so she contacts Marothi about the Literacy Program after all.
Catch tonight’s episode of Skeem Saam on SABC1 at 18h30.
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