Skeem Saam: Tuesday 1 January 2022 – Principal turns down Evelyn’s proposal
The last time we saw Magongwa witnessing Alfios falling from the cliff, he ran back to his car yesterday and drove away. Alfred didn’t know that Melita was standing in the shadows watching him. She may not have seen who he met, but she can put him at the scene if she is ever questioned.
Melita is the least of his problems, though, Alfios little Nephew revealed that Alfios said he was meeting his business partner on Friday. Babeile added one plus one and came out with Magongwa. Melita visited Magongwa at his home and told him how much trouble he was.

Today Sergeant Babeile learns that Magongwa was meeting someone at the hiking trail on Friday. Celia decided they should torc his clothes and never say anything about what happened. The police walk in on them while in the act.
Skeem Saam: Tuesday 1 January 2022 – Principal turns down Evelyn’s proposal
Since Friday, we haven’t seen Alfios, and we are still wondering if he survived the fall. Lehasa made a grand entrance at the Literacy dinner yesterday, and Marothi and the Mavimbelas were all very disturbed by his presence. Lehasa didn’t know about the Marothi Apula Literacy Program and that Capsys hosted his gala event.
Today Lehasa will have words with the Mavimbelas. We all know how much they hate him and Visa Versa. Khwezikazi is also not a fan of the Mavimbela family, they have a strange past that involves her father and Mr Mavimbela, so this will be a fascinating situation.
Lehasa has another problem on his hands; the Rovuwa employees are suing him for trying to close down the restaurant, they asked Kobus to represent them.
Principal Thobagale has been going through a strange period since meeting Evelyn. One time she is cold, and then the next, she is as cold as ice. Today she is cold as ice and turns Evelyn’s proposal down.
It promises to be an exciting evening. Stay tuned for more on SABC2 at 18h30.
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