Musa Khawula has come under fire on Twitter after being made fun of for consistently dressing in the same black shirt. Because the entertainment blogger has a reputation for constantly making fun of others and passing judgment on everyone, Mzansi seized the chance to bully the divisive media figure.
Musa is charged with always leaving the house in the same shirt. He consistently wears the same black shirt to every event he is invited to, as Twitter users have noted. This follows the trending image of the personality leaning against a car and appearing entirely out of this world. Everyone is lamenting the fact that they constantly see him wearing this shirt as the image spreads, while others focus on the fact that he appears to dislike taking a bath.
Because of this, South Africans are accusing Musa of being broke. Tweeps claim he frequently distributes other people’s businesses but cannot use his account to solicit donations for clothing because they are certain Khawula requires money. Others argued that it’s not ridiculous that people are making fun of him and calling him poor because he deserves everything that comes his way for the emotional havoc he causes online.
Musa Khawula wearing the black shirt he is being ridiculed about
The baby mama of Prince Kaybee was recently accused of cheating on the musician by the media personality without any supporting evidence. He said Zola never wanted to care for her baby and always left the child with her future mother-in-law. Additionally, he noted that Zola was about to wed Prince but that all negotiations have since been terminated because she is a lying, useless mother. When Zola realized what was happening, she didn’t seem to be bothered by the accusations; instead, she just laughed it off and continued living her life. That is just one of the explanations South Africans gave for why they think it is okay to make fun of Musa. They emphasized that he needs to experience the suffering he constantly causes others, so they are playing the reverse card on him.

As a result of his involvement in a murder trial, Musa is currently accused of killing Wandile Khambule, a young man. Wandile repeatedly begged Musa to stop as he was being attacked with a knife by the man. Twitter users have been vocal about wanting him to face charges. Musa’s tweets have stirred up much controversy, which is why he is so despised.
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