Cee-jay from Scandal confessed to having Layla as a client. The nervous personal trainer will tell the police Layla was also his client to prove his innocence. Cee-jay’s arrest is threatening his life as he can potentially lose everything. Cohen will question Layla’s moral code if Cee-jay is telling the truth. Things seem gloomy for the personal trainer since he realized Me’shell is not keen on dropping the charges. She insists on standing by her lies. Cee-jay’s arrest subsequently led him to lose his training licence and in tonight’s episode, Cee-jay will detail his affairs with Layla.
Ndumiso officially won the tender and will have a massive celebration of his success at Chillax. He and his customers will chant over his victory. From the festival onwards, Ndumiso will know how important he will be in the community. His new nobleness will make him wealthy, and the future looks bright.

Ndumiso’s project and a tender entrepreneur will kick in, and he will discover that he needs to pay more bribes to people in power. His associates are after fattening their own pockets. In tonight’s episode, Ndumiso will grease more hands so his superiors will be happy. In the back of his mind, Ndumiso knows what he is doing is illegal, but he will try his hardest to maintain his ambition to reach his dreams. He and the people cheering him on have no idea about Cee-jays arrest despite him being a favoured family member.

Layla will confront M’shell about the rape accusations, and her friend will expect her loyalty. Layla told Dintle that Cee-jay would never do that as she understands her character. Layla also understands that M’shell has to do everything to save her marriage. If Me’shell loses her husband, she loses her wealth and social status. Layla wants to help Cee-jay but doesn’t want the truth to the surface as it will embarrass her and potentially end her relationship with Cohen. Layla will not rescue Cee-jay from his arrest as she fears embarrassing herself.

Vuvu has always been suspicious of Winile and her intentions, but what Vuvu will see tonight will leave her shaken. In tonight’s episode, Vuvu will see Winile breastfeeding Nkazimulo. Since Vuvu is a mother, she knows it is weird for an aunt to breastfeed her nephew. Winile will deny everything when Vuvu is questioning her.
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