Energy consumption in schools has seen a dramatic rise mostly due to an increase in the use of technology. Most school buildings have dedicated electric grids to cater for the high usage of each section of the buildings because normal electricity wirings will fail to bear the load of high usage.
However, energy consumption in schools can be reduced, with the efforts of school management, students and by taking advice from energy experts. These 5 recommended steps can help your school to reduce its energy consumption:
Using Natural Light:
School buildings can use methods to maximise the use of natural light. New schools that are being built or older schools that are getting remodelled/renovated should incorporate design features that allow more sunlight. Using natural light can almost eliminate the need of using artificial lights, reducing electricity consumption.
It will also help in making the class environment more relaxing and keep the students in a better mood. Additionally, the glare from artificial lights will also be reduced.
Using Efficient Lighting:
Although using natural light can reduce electricity consumption, it might not be possible for every school to use it. It is also possible that natural light might not be sufficient so the use of artificial lighting cannot be eliminated. It is recommended to replace the older fluorescent lighting with energy-efficient LEDs.
LED bulbs have a high light intensity with minimal energy consumption. These can dramatically reduce your energy bill. LED bulbs do not give out heat so they will keep the classrooms from getting too hot and reduce the need for ventilation.
Encourage Students To Save Electricity
As important as it is to use energy-efficient light bulbs or a building design that allows more sunlight, it is also important to make the students feel responsible and give them a sense of ownership. The students should close and shut down any electrical appliance that is not in use. They should only use electricity where necessary.
This method will not only save the school thousands of pounds in electricity bills but this habit of students will save the national economy millions because of turning off unused appliances.
Using Natural Ventilation or Eco-friendly Cooling Systems
Classrooms can get hot due to the heat from machines such as computers and also due to heat from tens of students sitting in the class. The best way to cool down a classroom is to maintain proper ventilation by opening windows and ducts. Or schools can install energy-efficient cooling systems available, these will keep the class environment comfortable and relaxed.
Change Your Electricity Provider
The de-regularised energy market has allowed the consumer to choose from a wide number of energy providers. If your school’s energy provider is charging you high rates for electricity and providing unsatisfactory service you should change them.
Since the energy market is difficult to navigate you should get the help of an energy procurement firm such as Utility Bidder. Utility Bidder will do all the necessary work such as research and find the best possible rates. They will also shortlist the providers that are meeting your school’s requirements. You can then choose a provider that fits best with you.