Generations The Legacy actress Pamela, played by Zola Nombona, shared a stunning series of boxing photoshoots she had recently. She was wearing female boxing wear and a red boxing robe on the shoot. Zola also made the shoot look a bit realistic too. She made sure her makeup was done professionally, and it looked like she had bruises and a nosebleed.
She captioned the photos, “Art imitates life, or life imitates Arts?” As an actress, she is no stranger to various techniques of makeup. Some make-up methods were formulated to make people look younger. On the shoot, a method was used to make her look bruised. Generations The Legacy actresses once had a similar photoshoot to spread awareness about Gender-based violence.
Mzansi reacts
Her Instagram comment section was buzzing with comments. Most of her industry peers like Linda Mtoba, Dawn Thandeka King and Londie London told her she looked fire. Bonko Khoza from The Wife called her a champ. On the other hand, her fans asked her if she was keen on fighting in Celeb City. As we know, the boxing sport is regaining relevance in Mzansi.
Boxing trend in Mzansi
Cassper Nyovest made boxing relevant again. Nelson Mandela was a former boxer, but his interest alone didn’t revive the sport. It still wasn’t enough when Mzansi had stars like Baby Jake Matlala. Cassper Nyovest challenged celebrities to boxing matches, and Mzansi started talking. After two of his celebrity boxing matches, boxing is now a hot topic. More stars are gaining an interest in the sport.
Other photoshoots
Zola is big on photoshoots. Two of her most iconic shots are her natural hair shoot and her 2022 Valentine’s Day photo shoot. Zola enjoys being behind the camera. Filming or having photoshoots, she loves it all.
Pamela on Generations
As mentioned, Zola plays the feisty journalist called Pamela on Generations. She recently kept Ayanda’s infidelity a secret and told Ayanda her daughter was seeing a girl. Mzansi loves the character as she is the best of both worlds. Pam is a great career woman slaying journalism, but she also has a spark in her personality.
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