Durban Gen actor Nyaniso Dzedze has showcased his talent on the medical drama series and got tongues wagging. He is famous for landing controversial roles and doing justice to the characters. Nyaniso Dzedze’s age and net worth is a mystery to his fans. As someone who has been in the industry for a long time, Mzansi and his fans wonder why he does not show off a flashy lifestyle like someone who makes a killing.
Nyaniso, an actor, dancer, model, and choreographer, is best known worldwide for Beyonce’s Black is King as an adult Simba. The actor is famous for his good looks and killer smile among ladies. However, even with his handsome features, he finds himself playing dangerous villains in soapies and making them looks real.
After finishing his tertiary education, the Durban Gen actor started his career as a dancer. This can be seen when he took on the lead role of Muzi in Hear Me Move, which is South Africa’s first dance move. He also took on the part of the scandalous Gift on Rhythm City before the show stopped production.
Nyaniso Dzedze’s net worth has been over-estimated
The actor’s CV is not as long as people would expect. Despite being nominated the Most promising actor on the 12th Africa movie Academy Awards. He has roles in Generations: The Legacy, Binnelanders, Ashes to ashes which were hardly lead roles. In 2021 he made a comeback on Television after Rhythm City with a role in Durban Gen. Although his role is making Mzansi talk and bringing a new flair to the storyline, it’s hardly a lead role.
He does work as a model together with his wife of 9 years. Together they have been blessed with a beautiful child and are celebrities with a mixed marriage. However, one thing that is clear in his posts is his love for his family and his wife.
However, despite his youthful features and good looks, the actor has known that he was born in January 1986. that means that Nyaniso is 36 years old and not as young as his fans thought. The actor has also managed to amass a considerable wealth for himself over the years. Even though his net worth has been grossly exaggerated over the years, the actor is estimated to be worth $1 million, with most earnings coming from his acting and partnership deals.
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