Ayanda Borotho is a South African actress who plays the role of Phumelele on Isibaya. Phumelele’s on screen story has to be one of the most dynamic stories in the history of female characters in soapies. The complete evolution from being the humble second wife to being a woman who owned her entire being, demanded how she wanted to be treated and stuck with it. The one woman who literally brought back her lobola to show just how done she was with her toxic ex husband who was played by Siyabonga Thwala. What if we told you a few real life facts that draw a lot of similarities between Phumelele and Ayanda?
Their beauty
It is without doubt that both Phumelele and Ayanda are extremely gorgeous women both inside and out. Not just physical beauty but hearts of kindness and confidence that goes beyond.
Standing up for women
She might not know it but Phumelele has led an example to her daughter and other women that they should know they deserve better and they should go for the better they deserve. In real life, Ayanda is an activist that continuously speaks out for women. One such time was when she spoke against the misuse of polygamy in a way that does not benefit women.
Phumelele has developed into a foodie influencer and it pays her bills! In a similar fashion, Ayanda is the best influencer around her block. Speaking into issues that affect women all around, she has been one activist that is bound to improve the lives of women around the world. Not to mention how she rallies brands into standing up for women.
Phumelele unbecoming to Become
Ayanda Borotho has graced readers with her book titled, Unbecoming to Become, a book aimed at empowering women to heal and rise up and claim their power from a patriarchal society. While this is the title of the book, we can’t help but realize how it perfectly explains Phumelele’s story. Phumelele came from a place of unbecoming the woman that she was to becoming a woman who is powerful on her own without a man to uphold her. We Stan!!

Lastly, Ayanda is a beautiful mother of three children. We can’t help but acknowledge how her family is blessed to have a woman of such strength!