Paxton creates a protest action with his classmates, and the Executive finds out she is a talented musician.
Let’s recap the previous episode.
Eunice is shocked to find out that money gets finished when you spend it. She tried to pay for the panel eating of her car, and she was only left with R288,000.
Ash then suggests someone for Eunice to invest in, the guy that appears sells a pyramid scheme to Eunice, and she buys it with R150,000.
The money indeed doubles after a few minutes, and Eunice goes back to what we know her for, you guessed it, planning a party.
Paxton’s plan backfired as Principal Thobagale crafted another test paper and was forced to go ahead with the intent to write the test as scheduled.
This agitated the learners so much. Phoshoko makes a comeback after being on a short suspension for unloading a bucket full of water on a teacher.
Malelane shocks Babeile when he is taken by the GEPF hype and decides that he wants to take a pension. Malebane doesn’t even want to stay until he is 60 years old to take his pension.
Lehasa’s plan to discredit Eunice is finally showing results. Lehasa planted Kgosi close to Eunice so he can give a report back on how she is blowing his or is it Fanies money.
Coming up on the next episode
Eunice’s hidden musical talents make an appearance; after all the things that have happened in such a short space in her life, can Eunice afford to explore a singing career?
Paxton’s little plan to stop the process on the test writing failed dismally and he decides that a strike action is the solution. Paxton’s desperation is going to turn Turfloop High into a toxic environment. Ever since his arrival, the students have shown a strange resistance towards their teachers, and now it’s a game of power between the students and principal Thobagale.
Mr Kgomo dreads coming face to face with sister B after Mapitsi’s expose, but he is forced to. Mr Kgomo mishandled