Nomzamo Mbatha, the actress and executive producer of ‘Shaka iLembe’, concluded Women’s Month by honoring the women cast on the show. She took to her Instagram timeline to share a heartfelt message and pictures of these women, expressing her admiration for them.
A Tribute to the Queens of ‘Shaka iLembe’
In her post, Nomzamo wrote: “To the queens of #ShakaiLembeMzansi. For the longest time history had only told the narrow gaze of how the world viewed ‘her’. Yet the deepest quest was to find how she viewed the world, what she thought of it, what she saw herself become of it and how she planned on shaping it. Leaving her mark … forever changed.”
Closing Off Women’s Month
As Women’s Month came to a close, Nomzamo expressed her hope that everyone would honor the women inside them – their bravery, their fears, their fullness, their emptiness, and their vitality. She wished everyone a Happy Women’s Month and celebrated all who recognized and celebrated it.
The Challenges of Being an Executive Producer
In a previous interview with TshisaLIVE, Nomzamo shared that transitioning into the role of an executive producer was not easy. She described it as a nerve-wracking experience that required her to learn more than she spoke. Despite the pressure to be authentic, truthful, and excellent, she found it to be a rewarding learning experience.
The Making of ‘Shaka iLembe’
The team at Bomb Productions spent nearly six years researching and paying attention to every detail in order to bring ‘Shaka iLembe’ to life. Nomzamo emphasized the importance of not sanitizing language or way of life in order to maintain authenticity. She believed that doing so would detract from the viewer’s experience.