On the next episode of Uzalo, Monday 14 March 2022
Abbas has marked Nkunzi for death, and It is that simple, and Abbas has put a price on Raphael’s life. They are executing Nkunzi.
Sins of the sons shall be visited on their fathers.
Raphael walked out of prison and straight into settling scores with the Bhebhe men. Raphael didn’t know that coming out of jail would be the worst thing to happen. Abbas is after his diamonds from Sibonelo.
Abbas is a victim of a heist that went extremely bad for him, he lost his diamonds and in his hand, but he is mainly bothered by losing his reputation.
He wants ahead for that, and he chose Nkunzi’s. Raphael reminds him that Sibonelo is the one he should go after, but Abbas claims that Nkunzi is to pay for Sibonelo’s deeds.
The 11th commandment
The shlobo ladies denied Gabisile a chance to campaign to start rebuilding and leading KCC. The ladies feel like Gabi is a hypocrite and a liar, which she is, though, but ladies, what happened to thou shall not judge?
Bishop, Pope Evangelist Mbatha messes up.
Mbatha was hit by an epiphany when he was praying for his sins. That epiphany led him straight to the media and into Lilly’s ICU bed. Mbatha didn’t even consult MaDongwe about this. MaDongwe walked into her daughter’s ward and found Mbatha publicising his church using Lilly’s near-death situation. MaDongwe blew a severe gasket and threw everyone out.

Coming up next on Uzalo
Someone is tailing Nkunzi.
Nkunzi. Raphael starts executing the plan to terminate Nkunzi. Raphael is taking his instructions to follow Nkunzi everywhere.
Gabisile’s plans fall flat.
Gabisiles’ plans fall on deaf ears as she proposes that the ladies support her to become their new church leader. To make matters even worse for her, Pastor Gwala makes a return, much to the Shlobo ladies’ delight.
Mbatha continues to annoy MaDongwe his plans to get KFC off the ground are inappropriate and disrespectful.
Nonka gives Sambulo a piece of her mind and calls him an instigator. She blames him for losing the distillery and for Sbu being in jail.
Catch Uzalo on SABC1 at 20h30.
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