Next on Skeem Saam: Tuesday 31 May 2022 – Class dismissed as the grade 8 class is suspended
Let’s recap on the previous episode
Magongwa is blind. A stupid prank played by grade 8 learners at Turfloop high has turned into a possible criminal offence against the perpetrators. Magongwa has accused the Principal of conspiracy to turn him blind.
In the last episode, Alfred lost it after Dr Thobagale attempted to do her job as his doctor. He accused her of working with her mother to finish the job and kill him.
Mr Kgomo walked in on this commotion and took Magongwa’s side. Celia is also on the Rampage; she attacked Principal Thobagale for the second time when she walked in on her while at an SGB meeting. While in there, one of the members lets slip that rumours around Turf have it that Magongwa is blind. Celia immediately suspects that Elizabeth is taking this news to her mother, making Me Kgomo even more agitated.
Kgomo nearly fired Elizabeth once after Glenda accused her of assault and shared patient information about Zamokuhle. Celia is hoping for a second take on that.
Meanwhile, the Turf High teachers live in fear of their students. No one wants to go and teach in that class, especially now. Evelyn is still nowhere to be seen after her altercation with the Principal nearly ended physically. Thobakgale has now been summoned to the big offices, and she has interpreted this as a suspension and started to pack her office.
Eunice is still missing, and her father has been hit in the pocket. The consequences of her actions have cone bank big time. She stole Alfios’s phone and ran away. Kgosi also recalls the money Eunice gave to Koloi.
Coming up on the next episode of Skeem Saam
School is out. The Grade 8 class of 2022 is the class of horrors for the teachers, and things got seriously real and quickly. It’s hard to believe that these kids were in primary school just a few months ago, except for Paxton Kgomo. After everything had gone down, with Magongwa and other school teachers, Manaka decided to shut down the grade 8 class until further notice.
Yesterday Principal Thobakgale was called by the Department of Education, and now, she has been called by the police. It’s possible that Celia went to the cops to have the Principal arrested for Magongwa’s attack.
Eunice has been missing for a few days now, and she finally makes a return and is possibly ready to face the consequences of her actions for the past few weeks.
Skeem Saam goes out every Monday to Friday at 18h30 on SABC1.